Instead of waiting for answers to the challenges facing our region and world at large, a group of committed Ulster County, New York residents, inspired by the worldwide Transition Town movement and its founder Rob Hopkins, is asking questions and forming a community initiative to come up with ways to make Ulster County more resilient and sustainable.

Transition Marbletown joins an ever increasing network taking root in diverse communities, countries and cultures around the world - all joined together with common goals. For the passionate people that started Transition Marbletown, the initiative is sure to be a personal journey, but also a journey for the community as a whole. Rob's ideas of Transition and personal resilience are intertwined with society. He writes: “The concept of resilience works on a range of levels, not just that of community resilience. Personal resilience is vital to sustaining both our own and our initiative’s momentum.”

Below are excerpts from an hour long Skype interview I did last year with Rob Hopkins, founder of the Transition Town movement. Rob said during my interview with him: “Transition is an invitation to be part of an experiment on a historic scale with people all around the world who are trying to figure out what to do at this really crucial point in history to make places we live in more resilient and less vulnerable.”

Rob Hopkins in the UK with his Green Community Heroes Award from
Paul: There was a good piece called "The End Is Near!(Yay!)" about Transition in the New York Times where they followed a Utah town that was doing a Transition and it was a really well done piece I think.
Rob: Yes.
Paul: The article described how the town really reacted to the Transition initiative and it seemed that it really did come together in a really interesting way.
Rob: Yes, absolutely.
Paul: When I read that article, the writer in the New York Times said: “Transition dismisses Al Gore Types as Techno optimists.” Do you? What does he mean by that and is that true? There's a lot of stuff I've seen about the Transition and a lot of the Transition ideas. Some people seem to think that it's a little bit anti technology.
Rob: Yeah.
Paul: But, I don't personally think that's the case. You even address this in the Transition Handbook, saying it's not anti technology.
Rob: It's not anti technology, but technology is also not a silver bullet, you know. So, actually, there are technologies that we have, the technologies that we already have, and, so, if we decide we are not going to do anything and wait around till somebody invents a car that runs on toothpaste or something, then, actually, we are going to be waiting a very very long time. And so, also, I think what it's really about, is no matter how impressive our phones are or how fast our broadband is that actually at the end of the day the things that matter the most are our core needs which are met in terms of food, energy, building materials, that kind of stuff. And, actually, at the moment those things are carted half way around the world from wherever they can be found cheapest. And, so, we would argue that, yeah, of course, there is a role for technology and, actually, what we see with Transition is, in effect, an international movement of communities that are re-localizing, but are using the web and all of the resources that are available to share what they are doing.
So, it's a sort of global movement of communities localizing, but sharing it globally. It's quite an interesting juxtaposition of things made possible by technology. But, we don't have a kind of blind faith in technology. I think a lot of things that are put forward at this point are trying to convince everybody that business as usual will be possible. That it's just the case that we are still able to have economic growth, globalization, food being brought and materials being flown around the world, wherever we can find them cheapest, and we are somehow going to run the whole thing on soda power instead. So, what we argue is that actually it's the full implication of peak oil, of energy descent, actually taking climate change seriously and that we are going to need to rethink the basic things we do, the scale on which we do things which will still embrace technology, but will be technology focused on addressing the right questions.

Paul: I like that piece you wrote, “How Survivalists Got it All Wrong.” Can you comment on that article?
Rob: Well, I guess it's really, particularly in that U.S. context, there is often that perception that fleeing to the hills and living in a bunker with four years of baked beans is an option. And, actually, I think that I've never written anything on the Transition web site that has generated so many comments than that piece. I had all kinds of people emailing,entirely from the States I think, that were slagging off and saying you don't understand, you're naive. They said—and, of course, when everything breaks down and you come knocking on my bunker door, I won’t be letting you in! There was a link to one survivalist web site that said: “What's better, a gun or a club? A gun, because you can use a gun as a club, but not a club as a gun!” And, I thought – my god! So, for me, I suppose the point of that piece was to make the distinction that Transition is about – it's a compassionate response. It's not a selfish response. It's not a response that goes – Uhmm. Everything is me, mine, bring it all and protect it. Hide away and shut off from everybody else. If it's just about everything breaking down and people living in bunkers with years of baked beans, I don't really want to be around to see that.
Paul: Do you think that is more of a North American response?
Rob: Absolutely.
Paul: In other places of the world, people aren't so bunker mentality?
Rob: I have not really encountered it from anywhere else I think. I think it's very much a kind of particular thinking within that kind of peak oil kind of community. You know, people like Matt Savinar who has a web site which forwards people info about peak oil. And, the idea of peak oil for them means, inevitably, the irrevocable crash and collapse of absolutely everything. It's really a North American idea. And, the reason why I wrote that piece, “How Survivalist Got it All Wrong”, is because it struck me as being something really quite dangerous actually. And, quite alarming. Well, people do what people want to do, but it struck me that within that kind of peak oil thinking, the peak oil mindset, there also needs to be something which we are saying that is different. Well, actually, there is another way to do this which is about rebuilding community, assuming there is good in the people around you...assuming that actually they have skills and insights and connections that you can all benefit from sharing. And, so there, that was the reason for writing that article really.
Paul: Well, have you talked with the American chapters of Transition U.S.? Are the American chapters getting flack from “survivalists” or are people really embracing Transition here? I have to talk with the head of Transition U.S., Carolyn Stayton, a little more. But, do you get the feeling that people in the U.S. are being a bit less Armageddon or paranoid about things and getting more into the sharing concept?
Rob: I think the people involved with Transition; I think there's some extraordinary things happening in the U.S. There are some very active initiatives and some really great projects starting to emerge and, yeah, I think it's really fascinating to see actually. I mean one of the great things about Transition is it's very much about a viral thing where people take and make it their own wherever they are and it blends into and arises from the culture and it arises from the place. It's really exciting to see that happening and to see that happening in the U.S. Which is, of course, a quarter of all the resources are consumed in the U.S. So, if Transition is really going to have an impact, the U.S. is really where it really needs to take hold.

Paul: I read an interesting thing you wrote about a trip to the Hunza Valley in Pakistan in 1990. That trip seemed to have really affected you in some major way. What did you see there that made you start to think about permaculture? What were they doing? It sounds like a fascinating trip.
Rob: It's just one of the most beautiful places you have ever seen really. And, they had a kind of agricultural system. There are lots of books you can read that go back to the first people that went there in the 20s and 30s and describe that kind of closed loop agricultural system where they – the whole thing is irrigated off a glacier -- where they have a very exact way of moving the water around through channels where they have slate in one place and blocking the water off so it goes somewhere else. And, the mixture of fruits and nuts and vegetables and grains. It's renowned for everybody living till they are a hundred and leaping around like mountain goats. It was somewhere I was very touched by. There was a sort of quality to it which I thought was quite amazing. And, I didn't know anything about permaculture at the time. And, I was traveling with an Australian permaculturist who kept talking about permaculture and I didn't know what he was talking about. And then, when we got to Hunza, he said, this is permaculture! So, it really stuck with me. I think if I had learned how to say 'Will You Marry Me' in Hunzanize, I would have stayed there!
Paul: Is it completely self sustaining? Were they so cut off they had to completely self sustain, they just sort of lived without trading a lot? Is that what it was like there?
Rob: Yeah. But, they were just on that really interesting cusp and opening up to trade. So, they were just, you were just starting to see empty bags of nitrogen fertilizer in the corner of the fields where they had this system (before) where everything was composted and everything was recycled -- human waste was recycled and composted and they had the most incredible fertile soil. Then development was coming along and saying – what you need is nitrogen fertilizer! And, they were going on okay. And, it was just in that really fragile cusp. And, no one was saying, but this is fantastic, it works! We should go for development around this without chucking out what was so special and completely irreplaceable.

Click Here for Further Info About Transition Marbletown
Designer and architect, Eliel Saarinen, echoes the thinking of Transition: He said: “Always design a thing by considering it in its next larger context -- a chair in the room, a room in a house, a house in an environment, an environment in a city.”
Copyright Paul E. McGinniss 2011
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